Where it all started...
After the great Azusa Street Revival, there were a number of groups who met regularly for prayer and Bible study. One such group met in the city of Pasadena, CA. It was here that Margaret Peden and Ella Andrews began the Good News Temple at 3348 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena. They co-pastored the small group there from 1929-1937.
Margaret J. Peden made a call to David F. Grey, and asked him to take over the pastorship of the Good News Temple. Having been in poor health for some time, she wanted to leave this mission work in good hands. Margaret J. Paden passed away three days after he took this pastorship on March 26, 1937.
In 1941, David F. Grey, along with his family, moved to northern California to take the pastorship of the church in Turlock, California.
At this time Clyde J. Haney was called to be the new pastor of Good News Temple. The church went through many changes during his time as pastor. First was to change the name. The new church name was: Pentecostal Assembly of Jesus Christ. Second was to officially establish the church as a non-profit in the state of California. The third major change was the permanent location. They purchased land to build a new church and parsonage. 380 & 390 S Rosemead Blvd, Pasadena California became the new church home.
Clyde J. Haney was pastor of The Pentecostal Assembly of Jesus Christ from 1941-1946, when he then moved to Northern California to begin a work in Stockton.
Through the years the church was blessed with multiple pastors who would all be associated with the newly formed UPCI. It was during this time, 1946, that the oneness merger took place, and we became known as The United Pentecostal Church, Inc. of Pasadena.

Expanding the vision...
Euell Watts was elected the new pastor in 1977. His leadership mentored many young people in their ministry and carried the vision forward in the City of Pasadena. He served as pastor from 1977-2003. After he retired, he and his wife relocated with his family to North Carolina.
Richard Brown was elected the new pastor in 2003. The Church name was changed to LifeChurch Inc. of Pasadena. During this time, Life Church experienced a great season of growth and expansion. Not able to fit in the building on Rosemead, the church became mobile and met in multiple locations. The church continued the mission throughout the San Gabriel Valley in Los Angeles County. Richard Brown served as pastor from 2003-2020, when he was called to take the pastorship of the church in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
Where we are headed...
In 2020, Micah Johnson was elected as the new pastor of Life Church. Micah and Jasmin Johnson serve as Sr Pastors of Life Church now located in Covina, CA.
After serving as associate pastors at Christian Life Center (Stockton, CA), Pastor Micah and Jasmin answered the Lord’s call to Southern California. The Johnsons work as a team providing pastoral care and leading the ministries of the church. Both have a deep passion for people to meet God, and experience His power. The Johnsons have three children, Kennidee, Wesley, and Winston.
After serving as associate pastors at Christian Life Center (Stockton, CA), Pastor Micah and Jasmin answered the Lord’s call to Southern California. The Johnsons work as a team providing pastoral care and leading the ministries of the church. Both have a deep passion for people to meet God, and experience His power. The Johnsons have three children, Kennidee, Wesley, and Winston.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11:00am.